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Employee Amie Hershberger

Amie Hershberger

111 Congress Avenue, Suite 1830
Austin, TX 78701

Phone number: 512-651-7800
Toll-free: 866-514-3187

Amie Hershberger

Vice President

Amie Hershberger is a Senior Client Service Manager in CIBC Private Wealth's Austin office with over 15 years of industry experience. In this role, she works as a trusted partner with relationship managers to provide comprehensive client service, including the opening of personal accounts and trusts, ongoing account administration and fiduciary oversight of accounts.​

Prior to joining the firm in 2005, she worked as an executive assistant to the Director of Government Affairs at Constellation NewEnergy. ​

Amie earned a Bachelor of Arts with a concentration in government from the University of Texas at Austin and a certificate in elementary education. In addition, Amie has received CIBC Achievers Awards in 2014 and 2015, as well as the Achievers Award for Best Mentor/Best Role Model in 2017.

Representing CIBC National Trust Company and CIBC Private Wealth Advisors, Inc.

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