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Taking you on a journey where you can learn, share and thrive


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Women's CIRCLE - Lets Talk

Realizing wealth's promise

Many women see wealth as a source of financial security and independence, but they often also look to use their wealth in ways that can benefit their families, communities and society at large-they value not just for what it can buy, but for what it can do.

As studies have shown, women currently control over $10 trillion of assets, and that figure is expected to increase over coming decades. Having wealth brings an awareness of both its many possibilities as well as its challenges around such topics as:


  • Evaluating and making
    investment decisions

  • Taking care of yourself, 
    family and community

  • Engaging in philanthropy
    to have the greatest impact

  • Providing financial education
    and transparency for family

  • Planning for business succession
    and executive compensation

  • Navigating incapacity,
    loss and times of change

Women's Circle goals are great

Goals are great, plans are better

Whether these are questions on your mind now or may be in the future,
know that they are issues we consider every day, and when they become important to you, we are here.

We offer resources and events relevant to your distinct interests and needs.
And we have talented advisors who can partner with you for wealth management.


Resources         Podcasts   Circle events


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Rebecca W. Milliman

Managing Director

“Women’s Circle is where you can connect, share and engage on important issues about wealth—throughout your life. We hope these resources will inspire you to articulate your own vision for your wealth. It would be our privilege to help you bring that vision to life.”