Employee Lester Duke

Lester Duke

100 Saint Paul Street, Suite 700
Denver, CO 80206

Phone number: 720-221-5000
Toll-free: 866-672-7449
Fax number: 303-296-0111

Lester P. Duke


Managing Director

Lester Duke is a senior investment analyst with more than 40 years of industry experience. He is responsible for investment manager due diligence and selection within the Multi-Manager Investment Program's alternative investments team.

In this role, Lester conducts research on external investment managers in a variety of alternative asset classes, including buyout, venture and real estate private equity.

He came to the firm from Meketa Investment Group, a Boston-based consulting firm, where he consulted with clients investing in private equity investments. He has previously worked at Bank of America, where he was a client portfolio manager responsible for managing high net worth individual and institutional client portfolios. Additionally, he worked with John Hancock Funds as an institutional client portfolio manager responsible for separate account client relationship management in addition to evaluating, analyzing and trading securities for high-yield and small-cap retail and institutional portfolios.

Lester earned a Bachelor of Arts in political science from Hamilton College and a Master of Business Administration from New York University. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the Boston Security Analysts Society and the Denver Society of Security Analysts.

Representing CIBC Private Wealth Group, LLC.

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