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Linda Huesing

Linda Huesing

120 S. LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL 60603
Chicago, IL 60602

Phone number: 312-564-2000
Toll-free: 800-236-2442

Linda Huesing

Underwriter IV

Linda Huesing is a senior underwriter at CIBC Private Wealth, with over 20 years of industry experience. In this role, she is responsible for structuring loans, completing due diligence, preparing loan presentations, and underwriting private wealth custom credit requests provided by private bankers. She also has various responsibilities within private wealth portfolio management.

Prior to joining the firm, Linda served as a private banking portfolio manager at US Bank, a private banking underwriter at BMO, a private banking mortgage underwriter at Morgan Stanley, and a commercial underwriter at Chase Bank.

Linda earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics and banking from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University.

Representing CIBC Bank USA.

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