Privately held investments
Unique assets require special attention
Privately held investments include assets that cross environments and span generations — from ranchlands to timber, oil and gas interests, to family businesses and commercial holdings. At CIBC Private Wealth, we know managing these unique assets requires careful stewardship and special expertise. Our team understands the day-to-day operational challenges, the long-term investment environment, and portfolio diversification benefits of these assets. Area specific expertise and service offerings include the following:

Real estate
As a real estate owner, you’re impacted by factors such as local market conditions, shifting market cycles and a changing economy. Our experts use a proactive approach to:
• Stabilize assets and manage portfolios
• Confer sales and leasing
• Protect value and enhancements
• Analyze cash flow

Closely held assets
Asset holders in a business may require a third-party business valuation, succession plan, asset acquisition or sale support —or asset oversight and monitoring. In addition, you’ll have our expertise on:
• Controlling or non-controlling interests
• Closely held corporations
• Limited partnerships
• Limited liability companies (LLCs)

Natural resources
When you have energy or mineral holdings, you can look to us to help you assess market conditions and effectively position your holdings in the current environment. Our team:
• Works with key industry partners
• Applies technology and other innovative resources to inform our recommendations
• Analyzes assets to balance overall portfolio exposure

Our team members have substantial experience in the wealth management arena with unique assets. We hold undergraduate and graduate degrees in accounting, finance and business administration along with industry credentials such as CFP®, CTFA, CPM and CCIM.
Our professional backgrounds include trust administration, commercial banking, investment real estate and corporate finance. For more information on privately held investments, please contact your Private Wealth advisor.