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Investment Team

Team Investments Office Info

Investment Team

Active managers with diverse thinking styles, an autonomous, flexible approach to strategies and a unified objective of outperformance.

Team Investments Employees List


David L. Donabedian, CFA | Co-Chief Investment Officer

Gary E. Pzegeo, CFA | Co-Chief Investment Officer 



Patricia A. Bannan, CFA | Head of Equities


Portfolio managers

Jeremiah Borream, CFA | Global Sustainable Equity

Robert C. Bridges | All Cap Growth, Equity Income and Large Cap Growth

Daniel P. Delany, CFA | International Growth

Jim L. Farrell, CFA | Disciplined Equity

W. Brant Houston, CFA | Disciplined Equity and Income Opportunities

John P. Huber | All Cap Growth, Equity Income and Large Cap Growth

Sid Nargundkar, CFA | Durable Growth

Jonathan Piskorowski, CFA | Mid-Cap Growth

Bryan G. Reilly | Mid-Cap Growth

Matthew K. Scherer, CFA | International Growth and Global Sustainable Equity

Gordon C. Scott, CFA | Equity Income and Large Cap Growth

Sean Usechek | Income Opportunities


Research analysts and trading

Thomas A. Mantone, Jr. | Head Trader 

Rebecca Babin 

Kate L. Bergin

Frances Boatwright 

Kate M. Christman 

Lori S. Evans, CFA

Sofia Hou

Christopher J. Lewis, CFA

Sean Lim

Philip D. Lorenz, CFA

Kyle McDonough

Kyle Nitiss

Charlie E. Parry

R. McMillan "Mac" Price, CFA 

Mark Sigal

Pratish Sthankiya

Shereen Undavia


Fixed income

Timothy S. Musial, CFA | Head of Fixed Income


Portfolio managers

Christopher J. Lanouette, CFA | Custom Portfolios


Research analysts and trading

Matthew E. Jessup 

Evan Katz, CFA 

James Murphy

Daniel Skolochenko

Cong Tian, CFA


Energy infrastructure

Paul M. McPheeters, CFA | Lead Portfolio Manager


Portfolio managers

Adam R. Karpf, CFA | Energy Infrastructure

Lance Marr, CFA | Clean Energy


Research analysts and trading

Jerimiah Booream, CFA 

Kimberly Keaton

Christopher J. Linder

Miriam C. Madden


Multi-manager investment program (MMIP)

Ohm M. Srinivasan, CFA | Head of Manager Research & Alternative Investments


Research analysts and portfolio managers

Michael T. Comiskey, CAIA  | Traditional

Daniel A. Criscuolo | Private Equity

Lester Duke, CFA | Private Equity 

Kyle W. Leavitt, CFA | Private Equity 

Jeffrey B. Lee, CFA | Hedge Funds

Rachel Perry | ESG

Nick Schwartzstein, CFA | Alternative Credit 

Angela Williams, CFA | Traditional 

Mark A. Zarella | Hedge Funds


Environmental, social & governance (ESG) investing

Patricia A. Bannan, CFA | Head of Equities, Disciplined Equity

Edward Apsey | Co-Head of ESG Engagement and Stewardship

Emily Kaiser | Co-Head of ESG Engagement and Stewardship

Lance Marr, CFA | Clean Energy

Rachel Perry | ESG 


Portfolio managers

Jerimiah Booream, CFA | Global Sustainable Equity

Matthew K. Scherer, CFA | International Growth and Global Sustainable Equity



Research analysts 

Kate L. Bergin

Lori S. Evans, CFA


Administration and services

Sean R. Brophy | Director of Investment Administration

Micaela Luckovich Campbell | Director of Investment Communications and Team Engagement

Charles R. Devaney | Head of Investment Oversight and Implementation

Keith Willar  | Director of Investment Performance

Kate M. Christman

Kathleen Cotter

Lucian Di Marco

Anna Jamieson

Wayne Jia

Christopher J. Matthews

Ben Nguyen

Thomas P. O'Connor, CFA

Michael Pileggi, CFA

Matthew Reed

Caroline Tully

Matthew White


Rankings, ratings or awards may not be representative of any specific client's experience. Any reference to a ranking, rating or an award provides no guarantee for future performance results and is not constant over time.